discover our secrets remedies which we gather from Cleopatra historical legacy

Blue Pearl hair oil

Blue Pearl Hair Oil solves all your hair problem, Help in hair regrowth

Benefits of using Blue Pearl Oil:
Prevents hair loss, helps to grow hair, protects hair from frizz, gives hair a shiny and healthy appearance, gives hair density, and removes dandruff and unpleasant odor from the scalp,…
Blue Pearl Oil does not affect dyed hair.. It does not affect protein-treated hair..

How to use Blue Pearl Oil:

1 - Shake well before use (put in a hot water bath if necessary)
2- Put about 5 ml ( for men ) and 10 ml for women) of oil in a bowl and warm it up. in each session.
3- Apply the oil to the scalp
4- We massage the scalp for at least a quarter of an hour, then wrap the hair to keep the hair warm for another quarter of an hour.

Warning :
The time to leave the oil on the hair is not less than an hour and not more than 24 hours.

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Blue Pearl Beauty Ladies Center

From A Simple Shampoo & Blow-dry, Or Hair Treatments To A Complete Hair Transformation ,Blue Pearl Saloon well known as a Very pleasant atmosphere, especially considering the difficult times

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